Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg caused panic backstage at comedian Jimmy Fallon's talk show on Tuesday when he lit up a cigarette and set of studio fire alarms.

The rapper was oblivious to the drama he was causing, convinced the alarm's flashing lights were there to entertain him. He later told Fallon on-air, "You know what I like about this show? That you've got nice blinking blue lights."

The host then responded, explaining, "That's because the fire alarm went off... That's when the fire department came," prompting Snoop to quip: "I thought ya'll did that for me man!"

Smoking indoors wasn't the only crime Snoop committed, Fallon hinted his cigarette was filled with marijuana, telling the audience, "The green room's was a little more green than usual."

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