Andrew Lloyd Webber Refuses Tv Search For New Phantom.... Theatre impresario Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber is adamant he will find the next star of Phantom Of The Opera the old-fashioned way, instead of using a TV talent show.Webber is currently trying to find a new leading man for Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in Bbc programme Any Dream Will Do, after he discovered Connie Fisher for the West End production of The Sound Of The Music last year (06).Although Webber is planning to write a sequel to his 1986 musical Phantom Of The Opera, he will hold auditions in a London theatre as he does with all his other productions.He says, "Who is going to be the next Phantom? Who is going to be Christine?I'm sure as hell not going on reality TV to find out."(The Phantom sequel) is the most dangerous thing I've ever done in my career. Far more dangerous than any TV, to take on the Phantom again."
Tagged in Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber