Bette Midler

Bette Midler

The star who has one numerous awards at the Oscars and Grammy’s has said she is proud about her involvement with New York Restoration Project which she has dedicated more than 10 years to.

The New York Restoration Project focuses on restoring parks and gardens around New York City.

Midler tells Hello! Magazine about her achievement: “I have two things (I'm proud of in life). I'm very proud of my daughter. I'm also very proud of the New York Restoration Project. I'm very proud of the fact I've saved 55 community gardens and I'm on my way to saving many, many more. I've built parks and provided children with environmental education. And I'm proud of the fact I've received recognition for it.You receive all of these awards but you're never really sure if it was political or if you really earned it. But this I know I earned because I'm at the forefront of this organisation and this particular parks and gardens movement is in my town, New York.”

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