Eager not to let the fact that her celebrity status can’t bag her a new child, Madonna has set about launching a campaign to help single mothers adopt children from foreign countries.
Now, don‘t get me wrong, we wish we could say Madge seems keen to look after the welfare of less fortunate children, but when she said she‘ll only launch the campaign if legal officials in Malawi block her bid to take home three-year-old Mercy James again; we can help but think she’s being a little bit threatening.
The pop superstar launched a legal battle to adopt Mercy last month but her bid was turned down on the grounds that prospective parents have to be resident in the country for 18 to 24 months prior to an adoption.
Madonna, who previously adopted a Malawian boy called David in 2006, appealed the ruling and now her lawyers are preparing to fight for their client's right to adopt in the African nation.
If she's denied again, the star is planning to launch a major publicity campaign to highlight the problems faced by wannabe parents looking to adopt overseas. A source tells The Sun newspaper, "If she fails on the grounds of her divorce she will be absolutely livid. She is already talking about starting a campaign for single mums to be allowed to adopt the world over."
Very mature Madonna.
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Madonna