Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson seem to be on and off more often than the FemaleFirst kettle, but now Lindsay Lohan has taken to her favourite rant bank Twitter for another moan about Sam.
Whilst we’re unsure what the couple’s status is at the moment, Lindsay has claimed that it’s Sam’s family who are causing the problems within the couple after Tweeting; : “@samantharonson doesn't respond 2me b/c her family will cut her off if she contacts me...They control the one I love&im incapable of making any sort of difference.”
Personally we don’t think this is the best way to get your lover’s family on side, especially when she later added: “I'm in love with her, as she is in love with me....but her loved ones-hate her brilliance&resent her happiness.”
Let’s face it, we’re always going to put our family before a lover aren’t we? They’re our blood… perhaps Lindsay should try a box of choccies and a smile rather than a Twitter hate campaign?
Female First - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Lindsay Lohan