Kylie Minogue Cancer Fear

Kylie Minogue Cancer Fear

Kylie Minogue Lives In Fear Of Cancer....

Australian singer Kylie Minogue is so scared of her cancer returning, she panics every time she falls ill.The Spinning Around star was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and is currently in remission. But each time she feels sick, she worries she has once again succumbed to the disease.A chest infection forced her to abandon a gig last year (06) halfway through the performance, and Minogue feared she had failed to beat the illness.She says, "I was terrified - it was a scary moment. And there have been moments since then. Your body and muscles have a memory of the way it was when you were sick and there are definitely times when I float back to that place."I had migraines a few weeks ago and I just went, 'Yeesh - no, please.'"

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