

We’d like to say that Strictly Come Dancing is a great way for former Sugababe Keisha Buchanan to thrust herself back into the limelight, but after being ditched by her former band mates after accusations of bullying, it looks like the last chance saloon for the singer.

Apparently, Keisha has been offered a slot on the new series of Strictly Come Dancing, in the hope of boosting her profile when it comes to the release of her new album, which she is currently recording in the USA.

Whilst she’s obviously busy trying to rescue her singing career, friends have reportedly said that she’ll do anything to free up enough time to take part; “It’s one of the only reality shows she would ever consider,”

Hmm, I’m not too sure… do you think Keisha would do well on Strictly or do you think she should try and save some of her credibility?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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