Lady GaGa has been used to nothing but praise from her pop peers in the past, but it looks as though her new video hasn’t quite ticked the boxes of Miss Katy Perry, who has been giving it a right old butchering on Twitter.
To be honest, when they both came out, I thought Lady GaGa and Katy Perry were pretty much one and the same - two pop singers wanting to push the boundaries to get their names out there, but now that Lady GaGa seems to be doing it a lot better than KP, she’s gotten all offended and taken the moral high ground.
After GaGa released the video for Alejandro yesterday, Katy took to twitter to try and steal some of the singers limelight, sorry, I mean share her utter disgust with the rest of the world. Katy wrote; “Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke.”
Crikey, we do hope her comedian fiancé Russell Brand never dares to tell a fart joke, then again, we can’t really see Katy dressing up in a latex nun’s habit, sucking on some rosary beads and having a cross printed across her crotch.
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Katy Perry Lady GaGa