Katie Price

Katie Price

Whenever two celebs are at war, it's never fought out over angry text messages these days - instead stars choose to pack their punches on Twitter!

Okay, so we know that Jordan hasn't actually said anything much about the split of the century, but last night she decided it was time to address her fans, and what better way to do it than via social networking...

She wrote; "Thank you for your support. Means so much to me." However, we all knew that Katie couldn't be all flowers and roses over the split, and in true Price / Andre fashion, the couple are already exchanging blows, and at the centre of it all... the kids.

In fact, Pete is livid at Katie for leaving her disabled son Harvey with a nanny whist she flounces off to 'clear her head' in the sunny Madives. But, rather than taking Harvey in, Pete himself has swanned off to Cyprus - leaving Harvey behind. Erm, Pot.Kettle.Black anyone…?

What’s more, in a desperate bid to win Pete back, Katie has even played the sympathy card and told Pete she “can’t bear” the thought of another man walking out on Harvey’s life.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison