Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson

Talk about showering your lover with gifts! The most I’ve ever got off a other half is a necklace, but Jessica Simpson has shelled out on a bloody speedboat for Tony Romo’s birthday!

Proving just how much his love is worth, Jessica splashed out a whopping $100,000 to treat her American Football star boyfriend to a nautical 28th birthday present last month.

The singer unveiled the spectacular gift at a special party at the pair's Dallas, Texas home, and the Dallas Cowboys quarterback was delighted with the custom-made gift.

A source tells FemaleFirst; "Jessica knows that Tony has always wanted a boat. (She's) hoping that her birthday gift will lead to marriage, and by this time next year she'll be walking down the aisle with him."

Uh-oh, there’s always an ulterior motive with us women…

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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