Peter Andre

Peter Andre

It looks like things in Katie & Peter’s war of words could have just got a whole lot worse not that Katie Price has revealed that her ex is secretly dating Chantelle Houghton!

Now, as much as we think Katie likes to tell the odd porkie pie now and again in order to get the public on her side, and it seems that yesterday she unleashed her latest anti-Pete tirade by accusing him of getting a new girlfriend… err, pot. Kettle & black spring to mind.

Anyway, according to Heatworld - who spent yesterday hanging out with Miss Price & watching her new tv show, What Katie Did Next - when asked how she thought Pete would feel seeing her new cage-fighter boyfriend Alex Reid in her show, Katie replied: “I thought he had Chantelle at his, didn’t he?”

Obviously the other journalists in the room weren’t going to let this one go, and when someone piped up that Pete was actually still single, she very childishly said;  “Oh, I hear different.” Ouch!

To be honest, Katie might feel a little threatened my another reality TV star, but do you really think she could be privy to something we don’t know about? Answers on a postcard (or in the comment box) please!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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