George Michael

George Michael

George Michael might be a music icon, but it seems fashion isn’t his strong point, as he cringes at the fashion faux-pas he made during his 80s heyday.

Before finding international success as a solo singer, the Freedom hitmaker was famous for the highlights, pastel suits and fake tans he sported as a member of two-man boyband Wham!

He admits he and bandmate Andrew Ridgeley styled themselves - and they could have done with some help; "I didn't use a stylist. I don't think I could have afforded one. The blonde hair came about because I didn't want to be me, so the dark, curly hair had to go.

"I could have done without those curtain rings in my ears. Another embarrassing moment: I went to an awards ceremony in a suit that made me look like Colonel Sanders. And I was practically orange from overdoing it on the sunbed."

Yep, thank goodness you’ve seen the light George!

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