DMX admits to discplining his kids with belt

DMX admits to discplining his kids with belt

DMX has admitted to disciplining his children with the belt, but insists he'd never put them through the beatings like the ones he suffered from his mother.

In an insightful TV chat with celebrity counsellor Dr Drew Pinsky, DMX, real name Earl Simmons, admits he's a tough disciplinarian, but says he knows when to stop.

Revealing that most of his 10 children 'have gotten beatings', the rapper states: "You don't really have to beat them. That one time… smack them on the a** with a belt a couple of times and they'll get the point. It was not continual beating. Anybody you've got to beat over and over again, evidently it's not working.

"You give them a spanking that one time. After you explain to them not to do it… I talk to my kids first. I sit them down and explain to them what they did wrong. If I see that they are genuinely remorseful about the situation, then I'll let it go."

He wishes his mother had had more self-control when he was a child: "Some (beatings) were a little extreme. There was plenty of days I couldn't sit down at school. She used to have these three extension chords that she braided together. Sometimes we would get it with that. That was rough!"

The candid chat aired on Wednesday's Dr Drew's Lifechangers in America.

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