Chris Martin The Secret Plumber....

British musician Chris Martin has been secretly helping out a London charity - by fixing their water pipes.The Coldplay star - married to Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow - has put his technical skills to the test and brought festive cheer to staff at homeless charity Crisis.A source tells British newspaper the Daily Express, "Chris has been doing their plumbing for them."He does this every year, for free, on the hush, hush. Apparently he's quite a dab hand with it all".A Crisis spokesman says, "We have 7,000 volunteers helping at Christmas.There are celebrities among them but we can't name those who wish to remain anonymous".Meanwhile Apple Martin is 'More Polite' Than her Father according to shop assistants in New York prefer Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Apple to her father Chris Martin - deeming her much more "polite".The Coldplay rocker has been criticised for behaving rudely to store clerks on a recent shopping trip in New York while his three-year-old daughter was praised for her friendly attitude.

The pair were browsing in the Ink Pad boutique when the tot began talking animatedly to those around her.

A source tells the New York Post's, "She was so cute, speaking a mile a minute and telling the clerk that her dad was taking her to see the new 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' (movie)".

However, Martin did not receive such a good review.

The source adds, "He (Martin) wasn't polite to the staff at all".

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