Chris Martin

Chris Martin

He politely left. It was bordering on intrusion. Still, it's nice that people like the songs

Rocker Chris Martin confronted an intruder in the grounds of his London home after the man climbed into the garden and sang Coldplay songs.

The British star was stunned when a mystery man trespassed on his property and started loudly singing his band's tracks.

Martin took the incident as a compliment - but the fan fled when the rocker tried to give him tips on his vocal delivery.

The Yellow hitmaker tells Britain's Daily Mirror, "I had a guy the other day who climbed over the gate of our house and started singing Coldplay songs to his friends on the street... (I said to him) 'Listen, you're just not doing that right'.

"He politely left. It was bordering on intrusion. Still, it's nice that people like the songs."

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