It looks like Lindsay Lohan isn’t the only one who needs to have a word with their interfering fame-hunting father… Britney Spears has apparently been ordered by her dad Jamie to wear a bra when she goes out because he’s sick of seeing pictures of her nipples.
How weird is it what your DAD is commenting on your nipples? Anyway, Jamie is apparently worried that his daughter is slipping back into her old ways and has decided to roll out a few more rules to keep his girl under control.
Talk about over-protective, he’s also cited as being at the centre of her break up with Jason Trawick, urging her to dump the 38-year-old when their relationship became “too intense”.
Poor Britney, why cant girls just be left to get one with their lives these days? If we don’t want to wear a bra, then sod it, we won’t be wearing one!
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Britney Spears