Britney Spears The Dance Teacher?....

Britney Spears turned dance teacher for a group of five-year-old children on Monday (11Feb08) when she paid a visit to Hollywood's Millennium Dance Complex.The pop star, 26, put her personal troubles behind her and decided to surprise the kids by teaching them dance routines to songs including Madonna'S Material Girl and True Blue.Robert Baker, the co-owner of Millennium dance studios, was impressed with the way an upbeat Spears interacted with the children and led the class wearing "her favourite brown cowboy boots, fishnet stockings, a red short skirt, and a bluish greenish top that hangs down past her skirt".He recalls, "She comes in, she winds them up, and then tells them, 'I guess I have to introduce myself to you guys!' "She worked out this great little routine for them, they were dancing all over the place, she had them dancing in a circle like a choo-choo train. The kids loved it - they are having a ball right now. And Britney - she's just drinking it up. She's totally enjoying herself. It's an amazing class - she and the kids are certainly enjoying the process".And Spears is reportedly thinking of making it a regular occurrence.Baker adds, "Britney's telling me that she likes this so much that she's thinking about making it a regular thing, possibly every other week. She loves to interact with the kids, and she feels that it's important to give back to the dance community".The Toxic singer has been a regular visitor to the Millennium Dance Complex in the last few days following her release from a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital.

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