Britney Spears Cried Over Wedding Dress....
Britney Spears kept her wedding dress on display months after the break-down of her marriage to Kevin Federline, according to her former assistant.The troubled singer was also caught "bawling" over framed photographs of her ex-husband around her Malibu home, according to her former personal assistant Kalie Machado.Machado, 23, who worked with Spears, 25, for three months from last December (06), also reveals Spears and Federline would regularly row in front of their children Sean Preston, two, and Jayden James, one.She tells Usmagazine, "She wanted so badly to have the father of her babies.When Britney thought about Kevin not wanting her, she would bawl. She would look at Sean and Jayden and say, 'Where's your daddy? I need help. Where's your daddy?"She would ask, 'Why did he do this to me?' It just made her crazy and depressed".
Tagged in Britney Spears