Britney Spears

Britney Spears

Britney Spears is one of the few ladies we actually think has served enough time in the music industry to warrant bringing out a Greatest Hits collection.

Okay, so she might have already had a couple of greatest hits releases back in the day and cunningly disguised this one as the ‘Singles Collection,’ you’ve gotta love her haven’t you? I mean kids, shaven heads and mental breakdown and she’s still coming back for more…

But after unveiling this rather Mariah Carey-esque CD cover, we’re wondering if Britney has played it a little too safe with this choice of décor? It’s like Westlife and those bloody stools… come on guys, live a little!

So, what do you think over the cover? (Which is different in the UK than for you lovely USA fans) and will you be bagging Britney - The Singles on 23rd November?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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