What about the audience though? It’d be a bit dull without them wouldn’t it?
That’s very true. As soon as we got rescued though, we’d come back with loads of new songs for our audience!

Perfect! Here’s another one – Imagine The Days are on death row for some hideous crime – it’s your last ever meal tonight and you can choose anything – what’s it going to be?
I think we’d all agree - something with fish. Seafood!

Not my personal taste, but each to their own. Finally, give me 5 words that perfectly sum up The Days…

Catchy… summery… erm… uplifting… erm... hold on I’ll tell you what; I’ll go and get Harry. I bet he’ll have a good one for this…

*Lengthy discussion ensues*

…The Days are a little shard of heaven that’s come down to bestow you a blessing of unrestrained beauty. That’s our five words!

Luckily, the boys' musical ability is much better than their numeracy skill. Musicians can't count higher than 4 - noted. 

The Days' new single Never Give Up is released on May 4

FemaleFirst - Anthony Hill