Taurus Scott
Having been involved in music from a young age, it is no surprise that Arizona native Taurus Scott is on the verge of becoming as prevalent as those who admires. Dedication and talent are attributes that encourage his ascent within the confines of the music industry. Having spent his years in the studio engineering as well was producing puts Scott in a league very few are privy too.
With his all round capable approach as well as his adoration for music, you can guarantee Taurus Scott is a name you can expect to see a lot of.
What do you think it takes to succeed in the music industry today?
I feel it takes a passion for the music, you have to be strong minded and dedicated. You will here "No" more times then you will here "Yes". Don't get discouraged. Perfect your craft and make sure you are the best at what you do, and always practice. Practice makes perfect. I practice the piano everyday to keep up. Also get as much knowledge as you can about the industry. Music business classes is a must. The more you know about the industry the less someone can try to take advantage of you.
How do you get your music to artists etc, are social networking sites a big part of that nowadays?
I have several people who I give my tracks to and they give out my music to there contacts. Plus I use social networking sites such as myspace, twitter, facebook to expand my network and find people who are looking for music. It seems like now a days social networking sites are the way to go. Everyone is online and you never know who you can find on the internet that you can network with. There are many different music conferences that are being held where you can go to and meet people face to face and network, I always prefer meeting someone face to face to talk about the music.
What encouraged you to become a producer?
The love of the music. I grew up playing drums. Played in the jazz band as well. So I always had music around me. As I got older I got a hold of some turntables, then got my first beat machine. I would always hear music in my head, different melodies and drum patterns. The only way to get those out was if I started producing. When I got my beat machine I would play around with it all night. Soon as I got home from school I did my homework then went right to the beats. I was so intrigued by it, I only wanted to get better.
Who inspires you musically?
Producers like Sha Money Xl, Dr. Dre, and Timberland. Those are my top 3. When I hear there music its always something different, and I'm always like how did they do that? Or where did they get that sound from? Those guys are real motivation for me to keep going and be creative. They all have there own unique sound, and it drives me to create my own lane as well.
With such an oversaturation of producers out there, what do you think it is that allows people to think they are really a force to be reckoned with, is it ego, yes men, as this only makes it harder for the true producers like yourself I am sure.
Ego plays a big key. Some people just think all there music is dope. I'm not like that, every beat I make is not a banger but I know the next one will be. I run into producers all the time that think there music is the best of all time, and when I hear it I tell them the truth. Most of the time it be the producers that are most humble, have the hottest beats. At the end of the day it doesn't really bother me because I know where I stand and how my music sounds, and I'm getting my music out there and getting placements.
How important is finding your comfort zone when it comes to creating music?
Very important. I work off of vibes. I like to be the most comfortable when I'm making music. If I don't have a good vibe about the setting I'm in, or if to many people are around when I'm trying to make music, I will stop. So for the most part I like to make music in my own studio with maybe one other person in the room. No yes men. Everyone in my circle is very honest with me and are not scared to say if my beat is wack. I also like to listen to other music to get me in a good zone. I either listen to my own music, or different music from other producers that I admire. It helps.
What has been the most defining part of your career thus far?
So many things have happened for me this year alone. God is good. I would say working in house at G Unit has been the most defining part of my career so far. I produced and engineered at G Unit. That was my first start in the industry. I did it all from going on tour, engineering, and producing. Those guys have a crazy work ethic. They are always recording, and I learned so much. Now I can take what I learned over there and apply it to what I'm doing now. Making a name for myself as a producer.
One project you wish you could have had a credit on?
I wish I had a credit of any kind of 50 Cents first album, Get Rich or Die Trying. His album sold 10 million copies, and it is going to go down in history as a hip hop classic, I would of loved to been apart of that working process.
What are you working on right now ?
Right now I’m currently focusing on getting my best material to Cory Gunz, I really feel like he is the next person hit big. He sounds like no other and clearly he is one of the best in the game. Also I’m getting tracks ready for Nipsey Hussle as well. I have my own independent label called T.S. Music Group, and I’m looking to find the next big thing out there to push, and still doing work with my mentor Sha Money Xl.
Long term goals would be…..
I just want to go as far as the lord with allow me to be in the music industry. I have many goals in mind. From being a future super producer, to having a number one music company. Only time will tell. I just have to keep on pushing.
Melanie Cornish
Having been involved in music from a young age, it is no surprise that Arizona native Taurus Scott is on the verge of becoming as prevalent as those who admires. Dedication and talent are attributes that encourage his ascent within the confines of the music industry. Having spent his years in the studio engineering as well was producing puts Scott in a league very few are privy too.
With his all round capable approach as well as his adoration for music, you can guarantee Taurus Scott is a name you can expect to see a lot of.
What do you think it takes to succeed in the music industry today?
I feel it takes a passion for the music, you have to be strong minded and dedicated. You will here "No" more times then you will here "Yes". Don't get discouraged. Perfect your craft and make sure you are the best at what you do, and always practice. Practice makes perfect. I practice the piano everyday to keep up. Also get as much knowledge as you can about the industry. Music business classes is a must. The more you know about the industry the less someone can try to take advantage of you.
How do you get your music to artists etc, are social networking sites a big part of that nowadays?
I have several people who I give my tracks to and they give out my music to there contacts. Plus I use social networking sites such as myspace, twitter, facebook to expand my network and find people who are looking for music. It seems like now a days social networking sites are the way to go. Everyone is online and you never know who you can find on the internet that you can network with. There are many different music conferences that are being held where you can go to and meet people face to face and network, I always prefer meeting someone face to face to talk about the music.
What encouraged you to become a producer?
The love of the music. I grew up playing drums. Played in the jazz band as well. So I always had music around me. As I got older I got a hold of some turntables, then got my first beat machine. I would always hear music in my head, different melodies and drum patterns. The only way to get those out was if I started producing. When I got my beat machine I would play around with it all night. Soon as I got home from school I did my homework then went right to the beats. I was so intrigued by it, I only wanted to get better.
Who inspires you musically?
Producers like Sha Money Xl, Dr. Dre, and Timberland. Those are my top 3. When I hear there music its always something different, and I'm always like how did they do that? Or where did they get that sound from? Those guys are real motivation for me to keep going and be creative. They all have there own unique sound, and it drives me to create my own lane as well.
With such an oversaturation of producers out there, what do you think it is that allows people to think they are really a force to be reckoned with, is it ego, yes men, as this only makes it harder for the true producers like yourself I am sure.
Ego plays a big key. Some people just think all there music is dope. I'm not like that, every beat I make is not a banger but I know the next one will be. I run into producers all the time that think there music is the best of all time, and when I hear it I tell them the truth. Most of the time it be the producers that are most humble, have the hottest beats. At the end of the day it doesn't really bother me because I know where I stand and how my music sounds, and I'm getting my music out there and getting placements.
How important is finding your comfort zone when it comes to creating music?
Very important. I work off of vibes. I like to be the most comfortable when I'm making music. If I don't have a good vibe about the setting I'm in, or if to many people are around when I'm trying to make music, I will stop. So for the most part I like to make music in my own studio with maybe one other person in the room. No yes men. Everyone in my circle is very honest with me and are not scared to say if my beat is wack. I also like to listen to other music to get me in a good zone. I either listen to my own music, or different music from other producers that I admire. It helps.
What has been the most defining part of your career thus far?
So many things have happened for me this year alone. God is good. I would say working in house at G Unit has been the most defining part of my career so far. I produced and engineered at G Unit. That was my first start in the industry. I did it all from going on tour, engineering, and producing. Those guys have a crazy work ethic. They are always recording, and I learned so much. Now I can take what I learned over there and apply it to what I'm doing now. Making a name for myself as a producer.