Stars Of The Search Party
Guilford’s Stars Of The Search Party have been playing almost constantly across the UK over the last eighteen months, and have built themselves an impressive UK fan base in the process. The six-piece have just finished working on the re-release of their new EP, ‘Lost In The Dust Pt II’ which is due for release June 10th 2010 so I caught up with them for a little chat.
Hello there little monster, what are you up to?
Russ: Thinking of ways to save the world… oh, and getting a tattoo!
Mark: The same thing I do every afternoon, Pinky...
Steve: Watching Russ get SOTSP tattooed on his big toe, that's dedication!
So, tell me a bit about what you’re here to promote?
Russ: Currently Stars Of The Search Party are promoting our second EP "Lost In The Dust Part II" with lots of awesome shows and tours lined up for summer!
Mark: Well, I’m in this amazing band you see…
Steve: My beard, obviously. Oh and my band, Stars Of The Search Party, the most amazing 6-piece even invented since beer.
And if we didn’t have any clue as to who you were, what three words sum you up?
Russ: Abstract, hyperactive, chilled.
Steve: Hairy, strange and… hairy.
And as Jacko had the Moonwalk and Elvis had the snake hips, what do you have that makes you unique?
Russ: A slight limp?
Mark: Flashing synth melodies, crazy guitar hooks, oodles of powerful vocal shenanigans, and more rock than a rock!
Steve: A beautifully crafted beard that's taken years to perfect. I've had it since I was 12 so I wouldn't expect any less!
Now, clearly we need to get to know each other more, so tell me an interesting fact about you that no-one else knows?
Russ: I once ate a conker?
Mark: That NO-ONE else knows? I'd have to kill you if I told you.
Steve: I once broke my arm skateboarding on carpet. The instructions said try it first to 'avoid injury'. The court case was cleared unfortunately.
What song do you wish you’d written?
Russ: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Mark: Piano Man - Billy Joel
Steve: We Close Our Eyes – Go West
If I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and TV, how would you convince me to come out?
Russ: Probably offer to buy you a drink?
Mark: Our standard votive offering is usually "Alcohol and a roaring good show"!
Steve: Dancing, flashing lights, deafening beats, basically an all-night rave condensed into a 30-minute set. Who wouldn't want that?
And if you were to take me on a trip to your hometown, what would be the first place we’d go?
Russ: New Noise at Bacchus!
Mark: Code Red at Club Revolution, Peterborough.
Steve: New Noise at Bacchus in Kingston, you get to see Russ and I singing our lungs out to some classic pop punk tunes!
Who was the last person you called / text and what for?
Russ: My girlfreind about tattooing a Pacman ghost on my leg.
Mark: The bass player from the band, about dropping the van off at his.
Steve: My girlfriend Tes, to tell her about my day.
If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower?
Russ: Invisibility.
Mark: The ability to move things with my mind. Think Jean Grey from X-Men and you're not far wrong.
Steve: Comedy, and facial hair.
If you had to date a member of the same sex (or opposite sex if the case may be) who would it be? Mine would ALWAYS be Angelina Jolie.
Russ: Steve. I love a good beard.
Mark: Well, as a raging homo, I've gotta say it would have to be Pink. The woman's got class, sass, and a hot ass ;)
Steve: Russ, I love a man that wears make-up.
What was the last thing you bought?
Russ: Jeans - students don’t get too many luxuries.
Mark: A Kitkat.
Steve: A can of Red Bull and a Nougat bar, you gotta keep the energy up but still budget when you're in a band!
Have you ever been arrested?
Russ: Nope!
Mark: Not yet…
Steve: Nah, been stopped by the police because they were bored once, but I'm a good boy!
Speaking of prison - if you were to send someone to prison for crimes against music, who would it be?
Russ: I actually really can’t think of anyone I particularly detest. I would put a defualt as Chris De Burgh!
Mark: Simon F**king Cowell
Steve: Hmmm, I don't know, the music industry is each to their own I suppose, but I have always hated Blondie! *awaits abuse*
What were you doing last night at 11?
Russ: Watching Fresh Prince Of Bel Air!
Mark: I'm turning into a bit of an old man recently. I was in bed!
Steve: Watching The Mighty Boosh with some mates.