Silent Film Project
The latest band to jump on the electro / indie / pop bandwagon is Silent Film Project who are, quite surprisingly, really quite good! We caught up with the foxy five some to find out why they’re not so silent. Or film-y.
Hello there pretties, how are things going in your lovely world?
Things are going grand! And thanks for calling us pretties!
We are proper 100% loving your super hot new record…tell us a bit about the inspiration behind it…
The inspiration comes from different places for each of us in the band really. Lyrically speaking, it’s about letting go of your inhibitions and history and doing what you feel like.
To anyone who hasn’t heard of you yet, how would you describe your sound?
Tricky one… It’s pop music, but played in our own special way. The only way to understand that is to have a listen!
If you were going to give us just one song of yours to listen to so that you would become our new favourite band, what would it be?
It’d be “Two Days”, which is why we’re releasing it into the wild for everyone to hear.
If you could cover another band’s song, what would it be?
As a band who have had to play covers for pennies in the past it’d be NONE! Enough of that!
And can you sum up your good selves in just five words?
Lisa, Paul, Jim, Tom & Phill.
What makes you stand out from the crowd?
Well, with the exception of Paul, we’re rather a diminutive bunch, so we’d be the ones standing on soapboxes trying to peek over everyone’s heads!
You know we’re having a bit of an economic crisis here at the moment, if people wanted to spend their last £10 on a cd this weekend, why should they buy yours?
Because you’d get change from your tenner, and some nice 7” artwork to hang on your wall where, in a more prosperous time, you might’ve had expensive arty stuff.
What three bands would you have to headline your dream festival?
Simon & Garfunkel, The Seahorses and The Smiths.
What has been your favourite musical memory to date?
Another tricky question! Personally, I’d say playing at Beach Break Live last year was a highlight. Supporting Dirty Pretty Things at Proud Galleries was fun too.
If all of the bands equipment was on fire, what one piece would you save and why?
I think we’d probably each say our own instrument, although I don’t know what Phill (the drummer) would do. We’re very attached to our guitars; it’s a strong bond.
Who do you think is the greatest artist around at the moment?
Johnny Marr is still “around” isn’t he?
If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?
We’ve often felt like we were stuck in this situation; being far from home in the van with only one non-scratched CD in the cab. Looking back on those experiences, I’d say ‘Man On The Roof’ by Stephen Fretwell.
Okay, now we want to ask you some random questions; Tell me about the most terrifying experience of your life…
Having a hideous Marshall stack pushed over into our rack of instruments was pretty darned scary.
What’s the most stupid purchase you’ve ever made?
Honky – “The Ego Has Landed”. Dead stupid.
Why go to the top of a tall building, only to put money in binoculars and look at things on the ground?
It looks different from up there.
Cheers, good luck with everything & thanks for making my day slightly more entertaining!
Thanks! All the best! xx
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison