SGT Wolfbanger
SGT Wolfbanger have already laid out their manifesto in the North West of England after spending the last few years building a loyal fan base, who are now somewhat devoted to the band’s music and fun loving ethos.
Now is the time for the band to get serious about becoming national favourites, with the imminent release of their debut album ‘Think Inside The Box’ I caught up with the lads for a quick chat.
Hello there, what are you up to?
Answering your crazy questions while trying our best to sound remotely interesting!
So, you've just recorded your debut album 'Think Inside The Box' can you tell us a bit about it?
Its a pretty straightforward story to be honest, we wrote the whole album in a venue called The Box in Crewe so it seemed fitting. Though it has a double meaning; so many bands are trying to think outside the box that they are starting to sound the same, so we thought we'd go back to what we love and just play what we felt like at the time, instead of actively trying to be different. Surprisingly enough, were pretty pleased with the finished article!
You've just filmed a video for 'Nightlight', what made you choose that track?
It just seemed like the right song for a video. Its a lively, up-tempo, dancy number so the video was shot at a gig. It got pretty heated and sweaty, just how a great gig should be!
Your previous self-titled EP had some great songs on it, especially 'Paint', which seems to get everyone moving, do you think you can replicate this with the new record?
Its not a case of replication with this record. We just wanted to write as it came to us. Although yes, in my opinion we more than live up to the last EP. Infact, I’m gonna be cheeky and say that the Album is waaaay better!
Woo hoo, now, here is a lot of competition in the business today, do you think you have what it takes to give the big names a run for their money?
I actually met Bono yesterday, he seemed genuinely in awe of us... This is a lie, although I think Nath’s abs could potentially land us a record deal all on their own!
Wow, I need to get amongst that! So, if you could recommend just one song of yours for us to download so that we want to hear all of your music, what would it be?
I think Lonely Knight gives the best overall impression of the band, it shows our more mellow side at the start, gets heavier throughout and the breakdown has a much more dancy feel to it. Despite the clash of genres it comes together and works as a song so I would say that’s your best bet. Plus, you wont have to download it as its on our website player and on the MySpace page. Bonus!
Awesome, we love a good freebie, and if I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and watching Big Brother, how would you get me out of the house?
Simply by pointing out that Big Brother is shit! You'd have much more fun dancing your ass of at one of our gigs, plus I guarantee you'd be singing your heart out when we played Careless Caress. Then, after the show, we could hang out and have a beer or ten.
We've got to admit you're a little bit cool, so what advice would you give to someone just starting out, knowing what you know now?
Work hard and play hard, in that order. If you don’t put in the practice it shows so don't get lazy, everyone can tell. Also, beware of the three biggest lies in the music business; 1) I will call you back (they never do) 2)The cheque is in the post (it never is) 3) I wont come in your mouth (a horrific experience for five straight guys).
Eew, that’s worrying…. Moving on, if SGT WOLFBANGER was an acronym what would each letter stand for?
Some Gerbils Take Weeks Opening Llama Food Before A Ninja Giraffe Enters Rapidly
Haha, I love it 10/10! And if you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably our album! because we never get tired of going over our material and picking out bits that we'd do differently. Also, Mike likes changing the lyrics, which never fails to amuse us.
Okay, now we want to ask you some random questions (that I robbed off my stepsisters's MySpace page); What were you doing last night at 11?
Talking to the weirdest guy ever in the pub. He was trying to convince us he was psychic. He wasn’t, he was just weird.
What are you going to do after this interview?
Try to find the guy who we saw last night! He said something about a potential deal in the future...
When was the last time you did something incredibly stupid?
Last night, when I believed the guy in the pub...
What's the last film you saw?
Saw. No, really, it was saw. I wasn't just being awkward!
What's the last thing you bought?
Bacon Double Cheeseburger. Nuff Said!
Aww, I love it! Well best of luck guys…
Female First - Ruth Harrison