Rhydian's undeniable talent, unmistakable voice and look have already won him an army of fans, and will attract many more thanks to his debut album, Rhydian. Crammed full of passionate, inspiring songs performed in his inimitable style, Rhydian is set to touch the hearts of millions with his mesmerising classical voice.
So obviously FemaleFirst wanted to get him touching ours too, so we caught up with the Welsh lovely to find out about living his dream, singing his heart out, and hanging with the Pussycat Dolls.
How are you?
Really well thank you!
What have you been getting up to lately, anything exciting?
Most of this year has been spent working on my album which has enabled me to travel to various countries around the world, working with some great producers. And in between recording I’ve been gigging which has been so much fun.
Tell me a bit about your new album, ‘Rhydian’…
It includes an eclectic mix of songs, a mixture of classic covers and originals; I am really happy with it and can’t wait to hear what everybody thinks.
It’s great to see an X-Factor finalist releasing some of their own tracks rather than covers, so what is your favourite song from the record?
There are so many I like on the album, in fact I like them all! A few of my favourites include What If, a duet with Idina Menzel and I’m Coming Home Again. I also very pleased with how The Impossible Dream has worked out.
Are you going to be heading out on the road to promote it?
Yes, I’ve been working hard around the country promoting the record. It has been fun, I’ve been all over the UK seeing new places and meeting new people. During promotion I was lucky enough to meet The Pussycat Dolls– it’s a moment I won’t forget.
So, what is it like finally living the dream you have worked so hard to create? Is it everything you expected?
Everything and more! It really is a dream come true for me, without wanting to sound too clichéd, but I’ve worked for this from the age of 14 and it’s happening.
Are there any downsides?
No downsides at all, I wake up every day and have to pinch myself! The only downside is not getting to spend a lot of time with family and friends.
What do you think you would be doing if you hadn’t entered X Factor?
That’s a good question! I think I’d have gone into musical theatre and continued studies in music and singing. But don’t get me wrong I love what I’m doing now, as I’m able to still work on my musical studies as well as recording and gigging.
When you came second to Leon Jackson, did you ever think that the dream was over and consider throwing in the towel?
No way! Don’t get me wrong I was gutted on the night, but to give up isn’t something I’d ever have considered.
So, we have to ask you about this year’s show…. Have you been watching?
Yes I’ve been watching when I get the chance, I saw last week’s episode and I was very impressed with the talent.
Who are you a fan of this year?
My mind changes every week, and I love watching just to see the whole panel as they are hilarious! I think all the acts are all so talented, I couldn’t pick a winner, they are all so different from last year, I’d like to see a girl or a boy or a group win this year!
Now you’ve got a lovely new album under your belt, what else would you like to achieve in the next five years?
I would love to see the album to do well in the UK and for people to enjoy my style of singing and music. I’m also very excited about tour next year. I really want to continue working in the music industry as it is something I love.
So now for a question which is supposed to make you think a little… The major newspaper headlines for tomorrow are going to be about you; what do you wan them to say?
Rhydian wins Rear of the Year! Haha - only joking!
When was the last time you felt truly inspired?
I get inspired every day, by people, my surroundings, everything!
Rhydian is out now.