Jack - Well there are a few songs on that album that we have been playing for a while and some that we have only been playing for a month, so even for the new fans it’s nice to get something out there and listened to.

Sam – we are always recording and we are always writing, so maybe sometime soon it won’t be long before there are more songs, we never stop we are so busy.

Jack – we are really happy with it, we are excited to get it out there.

Sam – you can spend so much time on something but as a musician you can never be 100 percent happy about it, we always want to better ourselves and make the next one better than the previous one.

- I’ve seen the video of the go karts racing for the single... who won in the end?

Sonny – Sonny

Jack and Sam – No chance!

Jack – I think we need to go back there and do our lap times because the wanted and Chris Moyles race there and set lap times, so we need to go back and then we will really know. But in the video I think actually I won.

- So you are going on tour with the wanted soon, that should be fun?

Sonny – wicked guys

Jack – we played a couple of shows with them actually, they are pranksters as well so that will be fun.

- Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Sam – I don’t know, hopefully still doing this, we always try and push to do things on a bigger and larger scale every time we do something so it would be great to headline some of the venues we were at but on support slots. Definitely releasing new albums and new songs.

Sonny – Doing what we are doing now but on a large scale.

- If you could go back five years and tell yourself one thing about your future... what would it be?

Sam – You know what, I think about this quite a lot. You know what I would say? I would go back and tell myself to just keep doing what you’re doing. You don’t want to change the past because it would affect your future... if I went back and told myself You are going to be in a pop band and do this and that, I may change the future. I’m a big back to the future fan, and I’ve seen the mistakes you can make. I would pat myself on the shoulder and say keep going son, keep going!

Mini-album ‘Small Talk’ will be available through Geffen Records on May 2nd. You can see the band on tour with the Wanted. The single is 'Love To Life' - out April 17th  (can preorder now on iTunes)


Female First - Edward Lewis