1. Will you be sending any valentines this year? If so can you tell us who?
No valentines card being sent out this year I'm afraid!
2. Which celeb would you most like to receive a valentines from?
To be honest I don't think there are many celebs who are single so I'll just have to just accept my mums one she sends every year!!
3. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for valentines?
Valentines breakfast....jam on toast made into love hearts.
4. What’s the most romantic thing that someone has done for you?
I love the simple things in life, an ex of mine wrote me a lovely letter which was very sweet.
5. How would you woo the women of your dreams for valentines?
I would whisk her away for an all expenses paid romantic weekend somewhere like Venice or Paris!
6. How could a girl woo you this valentines?
By simply asking me out....I'm free and have nothing on for Valentines!!
7. Have you ever had a valentines card and still to this day have no idea who sent it?
No, but my mum tries this trick every year....'Oh so who's that from then....' I'm like 'mum your hand writing hasn't changed since I was 14 so I know its you'
8. What’s your favourite romantic film?
I've gotta confess its Pretty Woman....one year I watched it with an ex and I thought it was going to be rubbish but its actually a TOP TOP movie - a Classic!!
9. Which song would you serenade that special lady with this valentines?
It would have to be JLS - Love You More!! Top love song!!!
10. Your new single is called ‘Heart on My Sleeve’, are you attracted to girls who wear theirs on their sleeves?
Definitely...its great to be honest with your feelings and I'd just like to know sometimes where I stand!! Whereas sometimes they try to be too cool and it eventually puts me off!
11. Have you ever played cupid? If so were you successful?
NO...I need to find myself a lady first before setting my mates up!!! Ha ha!
‘Heart On My Sleeve’ is out 7th March (available to download now)
Tagged in Olly Murs