MiMi Soya

MiMi Soya

MiMi Soya are a pop-rock Brighton-based quartet, who are ready to take on the world with their huge pop anthems, sunny, addictive melodies and stirring guitar riffs. I caught up with woman Jorja to ask the 15 Questions We Ask Everyone.

Hello there little monster, what are you up to?

I'm at home wondering how to fullfill my day as I have a day off! I think perhaps going to the beach would be a good idea as the sun is shining!

So, tell me about what you're here to promote?

My band (MiMi Soya) have a brand new EP out on June the 14th and everyone can get a sneak preview of 1 or 2 of the tracks we've worked so hard on at www.myspace.com/mimisoya and if you like what you hear we have 3 tours coming up before August even gets here! You can find out dates, venues and more details on the myspace address above!

We are also going to be modelling some of the new lines from boohoo.com an awesome clothing company in a brand new and brilliant photoshoot later this month so be sure to check the pictures and boohoo.com out!
And if we didn't have any clue as to who you were, what should we be looking up on Google?

You would search  'MiMi Soya' we also have a Myspace, Facebook, Hyves and Twitter! So there's absolutely no excuses to not check us out now ;)
And as Jacko had the Moonwalk and Elvis had the snake hips, what do you have that makes you unique?

Well those are two very unique characteristics to compete with! Perhaps my cheeky Essex charm!

Now, clearly we need to get to know each other more, so tell me an interesting fact about you that noone else knows?

Hmmm, that noone knows... I auditioned for xfactor when I had just turned 16. It was such a joke! But shh don't tell anyone!

What song do you wish you'd written?

Wow there are so many that I wish I'd written! One of them would definitely be Whitney Houstens 'I wanna dance with somebody' but that is just one of many. Ahh I'm gonna have to dance around to that song now!
If I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and watching TV, how would you convince me to come out?

At every show we play we act like its our last and let's just say the show doesn't end after we get off the stage! You will NOT be disappointed!

MiMi Soya

And if you were to take me on a trip to your hometown, what would be the first place we'd go?

Ok, so my hometown is Brighton and if I was to take you there the first place we would go to would be the Pier, where I would beat you at endless amounts of arcade games!
What's the best prank you've ever pulled on someone?

Well I'm not much of a pranker but I got into a real bad habit of making people jump out of their skin by creeping up on them and shouting. That's real immature isn't it?!

And what's the most daring thing you've ever done? Please tell us how it ended up!

I'm not much of a daredevil, like you won't see me as an extra member of jackass or anything! So I guess it would have to be going on a loop the loop rollacoaster again after nearly falling out the last time I went on one!

If you had to date a member of the same sex (or opposite sex if the case may be) who would it be? Mine would ALWAYS be Angelina Jolie.

Ok so the same sex would have to be Christina Aguilera cause she is so damn beautiful and the opposite sex would definitely be Ryan sheckler (the pro skater) he has the cutest face!

Have you ever been naked in public? Elaborate.

Haha well... Not exactly, though I used to love being naked as a kid... Is that weird?

Have you ever been arrested? Again, elaborate.

I have never been arrested and I would like it to stay that way!

Speaking of prison - if you were to send someone to prison for crimes against music, who would it be?

Ha it would have to be the Jedward twins, I'm sure they're lovely guys but what the hell were they thinking?!

What were you doing last night at 11?

Last night at 11 I was walking through my front door after a long day, ready to sit down with something good to eat and a cuppa! That's not very rockstar is it? Haha