Mel Merio
We chat to club promoter, singer, musician and performer Mel Merio.
-Are you excited for the release of 'What's The Big Deal'?
Oh yes I am very exited and grateful to release the track and do what I love. I am also very exited about the video for 'What's The Big Deal'.
People were encouraged to shoot themselves to singing along with the song and then send the videofile to me. I have received so much great material, it should be an amazing video because of all the great people joining.
-How would you describe the track?
I think its pretty bold and has a special sound design, but its a fun track with a strong meaning behind it.
'What's The Big Deal' simply means: get out there. Do what you love, get over you fears and doubts. Don't freak out when things in your life are not going quite the way you want it. Go with the flow and enjoy what you have.
-How was it working with Larry Tee and Christopher Just?
Fun fun fun and very inspiring. Christopher Just used to be my boyfriend, we were together for 5 years and have been friends for ages. Larry and me are soul mates and super good friends.
Larry, Chris and me are a family. It was also challenging for us all but thats how we learn and grow. It was simply a wonderful experience and a big big honor for me.
-Would you work with either of them again?
Yes we are all still working together. It's an ongoing working relationship, both friendship and music wise. There is a strong connection between the three of us.
-You've been described as a vocalist, musician, club promoter and performance artist. Do you have a preference?
My preference is to help people. To inspire them to live the life they want and to show them how wonderful they are.
I am here to show you how divine, wonderful, powerful you are. We can all make a difference. I love human beings and every single person makes a difference.
We can create a better world together. I believe we should all be aware of the importance of the bigger picture. Love yourself, nurture yourself and you are automatically caring about your fellow beings.
-Have any of your previous projects, for example as a promoter, helped your career as an artist?
Yes I am sure it did help me to get in touch with people gain and new experiences. I always have goals in mind and try to manifest consciously what I want to bring to existence in life but I also try to stay flexible because sometimes life knows better.
I once read this wonderful phrase: slow down, calm down, don't worry, don't hurry. Trust the process.
-Do you notice a different between crowds in, say, the States compared to those in Europe?
Yes they definitely differ. The London crowds are very different so the crowds in say Germany or Scandinavia.
The same goes for The States. Americans are very appreciative, but I also love the London crowd. They go with the flow.
The people in Vienna are more likely to just look, observe and stand still, they don't really freak out but still they love yours so the reaction on the surface doesn't actually matter at all.
-Musically, who are your influences?
Larry Tee and Christopher Just. And The Pet Shop Boys of course.
-What are your plans after the release of the single?
In October my album Lovemore is coming out. I am super exited about it. I am constantly working on new projects such as my label Lovemore Records and my next album.
To sum it up it is kind of like ancient prayers meet Depeche Mode and Pet Shop Boys synth pop.
It's a big challenge because if people hear mantras they tend to think about smoke sticks, hairy women and esoteric approaches! Mantras have transformed my life so I try to put it in a different context.
Female First - Alistair McGeorge