Matthew Philips

Matthew Philips

Matthew Philips is a rare gem; remember his name because it’s going to be a name you’ll hear a lot of very soon. With Mike Tyson amongst his celebrity fans, we couldn’t resist asking him the 15 Questions We Ask Everyone.

Hello there little monster, what are you up to?

At the moment I am very busy with my live shows as well as getting set to go on tour with the “ Saturday night live” tour, Rehearsals, promotion and also quietly planning a new show for later in the year.

So, tell me a bit about what you’re here to promote?

Im here to promote the Saturday Night Live tour.  The Tour will visit theatres across the country with an amazing variety show.  The show is hosted  by comedian Reece Lightening and the cast include tributes to Mr Bean, Sir Cliff Richard and Shakira.  Also on the bill is country singing sensation Carolyn Foy and of course myself.  I will be performing some of the best Soul and Motown songs during the show.

And if we didn’t have any clue as to who you were, what three words sum you up?

The Soul Sensation

And as Jacko had the Moonwalk and Elvis had the snake hips, what do you have that makes you unique?

Versatility and vocal range.  Although my style tends to lean towards Soul music I am equally at home singing pop, Ballads, Swing, Musical theatre, in fact most styles of music.

Now, clearly we need to get to know each other more, so tell me an interesting fact about you that noone else knows?

I am a massive Wigan Warriors rugby league fan.  Through my later years in High School and then into college I was approached several times by the Manager to sign for the club and I said no everytime.   They were so keen they came into my work to persuade me and turned up at my games.   One of my biggest regrets of my life.  I now sit in the stands wishing I was involved  in the game.

What song do you wish you’d written?

Too many to list.  I think Gary Barlow is an amazing writer so most of his songs.

If I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and TV, how would you convince me to come out?

No two shows are the same, I read my audience and go with the flow.  If you miss one of my shows then you might not catch the same again.

And if you were to take me on a trip to your hometown, what would be the first place we’d go?

My home town is Westhoughton which is near Bolton so just in case she reads this I will have to say my Mums as she loves to tell me I don’t visit enough.   But also my local, it’s a great town with great people and I miss it loads.

Matt Philips

Who was the last person you called / text and what for?

The last person I called was a promoter who has asked me to perform at a dinner for boxing legend Nigel Benn.

If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower?

I would love the power to see into the future.  Just because I am so inpatient and I hate waiting for things.

If you had to date a member of the same sex (or opposite sex if the case may be) who would it be? Mine would ALWAYS be Angelina Jolie.

I have so many idols and people I look up to in the music business as well as political people but I would have to say Michael Jackson.  I would love to see how he actually was away from all the media hype.  If Mike was busy then I would call Luther Vandross.

What was the last thing you bought?

The last thing I bought was a curry, for some reason every time I go anywhere the first thing I buy is food.

Have you ever been arrested?

No but I have spent allot of time in Prison.  I was a Prison officer for many years before I decided to be a full time singer.

Speaking of prison - if you were to send someone to prison for crimes against music, who would it be?

Anybody who uses the words “ Rave” and “ Music” in the same sentence.

What were you doing last night at 11?

Yesterday was mine and my brother in laws birthday so I was at home having a few drinks with family and friends.

Thanks! Have a great day