Leslie Loh
Leslie Loh looks poised to be one of the hottest new female stars around in 2009... But there’s far more to this woman than meets the eye… fully versed in martial arts and having trained alongside S.W.A.T teams in the US, it comes as a surprise that Leslie is one of the most stunning and graceful women we’ve ever met…
You are bringing out your new album next month, tell us a bit about that..
“Metamothosis” is my debut album. For those who know me it’s a departure from my past single, “Satisfied”, which has a more R&B flavour. Even though I enjoyed that phase immensely I jumped at the chance to pen an album straight from my heart.
With no preconceived ideas this album has turned out to have a more rock and soul feel to it. Rather than putting together a random collection of songs, I decided to express my pain and document the metamorphosis of my heart & mind during the course of the relationship, from lust in the first song, to love, fear and finally release, and named the journey, "Metamothosis".
If you could recommend just one song from the album for us to listen to, what would it be?
“This Is Me”. Even though all the songs each hold a very special place in my heart as they are pretty much all born from my own sweat & tears, you can’t get any more honest than “This Is Me”.
The title is self-explanatory and I think a lot of people can relate to that, no matter what circumstances they are in. This is by far my favourite song and it happened right around the time when I kept meeting idiots galore! A few rounds of hot, cold, hot, cold treatments and finally a penalty for their past mistakes had me looking into the mirror and say, "This is Me!!".
Many people might be surprised by how hard you work what gives you the motivation to keep going in this career?
First of all, when I make a decision I can be relentless in seeing it through to its fruition. I was once asked if there was a plan B, my response was I even had plan C, D & E, but ultimately they would all lead back to plan A.
It’s no secret that the entertainment industry has many dark and winding roads, but in life anything’s possible as long as you have the belief in yourself. I feel very blessed to be given the talent in the first place and now the opportunities to excel in something I love.
With the support of a wonderfully devoted team, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
What advice would you give to someone just starting out, knowing what you know now?
Learn to live with the word, “no”. If greats like the Beatles, Michael Jackson and Tina Turner were recipients of that word, then no one can escape it. But it also goes to show that you can always prove the powers that be wrong!! Just believe and sharpen your skills and miracles can happen.
To anyone who hasn’t heard of you yet, how would you describe your sound?
A critic once called it “Goth-rock-Amos”, whatever that means. For me, I guess it’s a mix of sultry, sweet but dark textures as I combine the edginess of rock with the fragility of my voice emoted through the sympathetic use of the keyboards & violin. At times, full orchestras would be deployed to accentuate the feeling.
If you could cover another band’s song, what would it be?
“Fleur du mal” by Sarah Brightman, from her album, “Symphony”. I’ve always been mesmerized by the cinematic arrangement and her use of vocals in this song.
And can you sum up your good self in just five words?
Charge ahead like a bull!!!
You know we’re having a bit of an economic crisis here at the moment, if people wanted to spend their last £10 on a cd this weekend, why should they buy yours?
I believe with every economic crisis comes new opportunities. It is not necessarily a negative situation. Very often we are forced to explore new avenues in special times. “Metamothosis” is hopefully not just a quality album that will take the listeners on a journey that they can relate to, but it is also a unique piece of work, the first entry to a new genre.
What three bands would you have to headline your dream festival?
Personally I like variety, so my dream festival would consist of various types of music. If I have to pick three acts, they would be Evanescence, Alicia Keys and Coldplay.
What has been your favourite musical memory to date?
When I was conducting the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for the album. That was a fantastic experience that had me speechless. I had seen them in concerts often, so it was a great honour for me to work with them.
If all of the bands equipment was on fire, what one piece would you save and why?
The piano. The show must go on, and a good show can still be put on with just me on the keys, just more up close & personal. When stripped of all the frills, the audience is just feeling you at the end of the day… each nuance, each cry.
If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what
would it be?
Variety is the spice of life, and as yet, my perfect compilation does not exist, so I’ll have to make it myself!
Okay, now we want to ask you some random questions;
Tell me about the most terrifying experience of your life…
Scuba diving the first time in a typhoon. If you are like me, who cannot swim and have “imaginary” friends in the sea, thanks to too much “Jaws”, then you’ll understand!
What’s the most stupid purchase you’ve ever made?
A trip to the fortune teller’s! According to them I should already have joined my ancestors! You’re damned knowing and not knowing sometimes...
Why go to the top of a tall building, only to put money in binoculars and look at things on the ground?
That’s one for the freaky, lazy & curious souls!! Ha Ha!! All jokes aside, I guess sometimes you have to walk away from a situation to see more clearly and put things in perspective. There’s a saying, “One can’t see the forest for the trees”. Sometimes things don’t make sense on their own, but in the grand scheme of things, all of a sudden even the most minute thing becomes interesting.
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Leslie Loh looks poised to be one of the hottest new female stars around in 2009... But there’s far more to this woman than meets the eye… fully versed in martial arts and having trained alongside S.W.A.T teams in the US, it comes as a surprise that Leslie is one of the most stunning and graceful women we’ve ever met…
You are bringing out your new album next month, tell us a bit about that..
“Metamothosis” is my debut album. For those who know me it’s a departure from my past single, “Satisfied”, which has a more R&B flavour. Even though I enjoyed that phase immensely I jumped at the chance to pen an album straight from my heart.
With no preconceived ideas this album has turned out to have a more rock and soul feel to it. Rather than putting together a random collection of songs, I decided to express my pain and document the metamorphosis of my heart & mind during the course of the relationship, from lust in the first song, to love, fear and finally release, and named the journey, "Metamothosis".
If you could recommend just one song from the album for us to listen to, what would it be?
“This Is Me”. Even though all the songs each hold a very special place in my heart as they are pretty much all born from my own sweat & tears, you can’t get any more honest than “This Is Me”.
The title is self-explanatory and I think a lot of people can relate to that, no matter what circumstances they are in. This is by far my favourite song and it happened right around the time when I kept meeting idiots galore! A few rounds of hot, cold, hot, cold treatments and finally a penalty for their past mistakes had me looking into the mirror and say, "This is Me!!".
Many people might be surprised by how hard you work what gives you the motivation to keep going in this career?
First of all, when I make a decision I can be relentless in seeing it through to its fruition. I was once asked if there was a plan B, my response was I even had plan C, D & E, but ultimately they would all lead back to plan A.
It’s no secret that the entertainment industry has many dark and winding roads, but in life anything’s possible as long as you have the belief in yourself. I feel very blessed to be given the talent in the first place and now the opportunities to excel in something I love.
With the support of a wonderfully devoted team, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
What advice would you give to someone just starting out, knowing what you know now?
Learn to live with the word, “no”. If greats like the Beatles, Michael Jackson and Tina Turner were recipients of that word, then no one can escape it. But it also goes to show that you can always prove the powers that be wrong!! Just believe and sharpen your skills and miracles can happen.
To anyone who hasn’t heard of you yet, how would you describe your sound?
A critic once called it “Goth-rock-Amos”, whatever that means. For me, I guess it’s a mix of sultry, sweet but dark textures as I combine the edginess of rock with the fragility of my voice emoted through the sympathetic use of the keyboards & violin. At times, full orchestras would be deployed to accentuate the feeling.
If you could cover another band’s song, what would it be?
“Fleur du mal” by Sarah Brightman, from her album, “Symphony”. I’ve always been mesmerized by the cinematic arrangement and her use of vocals in this song.
And can you sum up your good self in just five words?
Charge ahead like a bull!!!
You know we’re having a bit of an economic crisis here at the moment, if people wanted to spend their last £10 on a cd this weekend, why should they buy yours?
I believe with every economic crisis comes new opportunities. It is not necessarily a negative situation. Very often we are forced to explore new avenues in special times. “Metamothosis” is hopefully not just a quality album that will take the listeners on a journey that they can relate to, but it is also a unique piece of work, the first entry to a new genre.
What three bands would you have to headline your dream festival?
Personally I like variety, so my dream festival would consist of various types of music. If I have to pick three acts, they would be Evanescence, Alicia Keys and Coldplay.
What has been your favourite musical memory to date?
When I was conducting the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for the album. That was a fantastic experience that had me speechless. I had seen them in concerts often, so it was a great honour for me to work with them.