Fresh from their appearance on Orange Unsigned Act, indie electro band Fangs, took some time out from recording to speak to us. Lead singer, Queenie revealed the bands plans for 2009, touring the UK and her dreams of having a Chihuahua!
Congratulations on your appearance on Orange Unsigned! How was it all?
It was amazing! A great experience and we loved every minute of it!
So, we read that you're back in the studio recording, how has that been?
Well, we've started working on the first four songs, and I got some vocals down the other day and it sounded pretty good. Yeah I got a few cups of coffee inside me and started beat boxing!
Will that make it onto the album?
No probably not but I was very enthusiastic about it at the time! So far so good though, and I'm really excited to hear it.
When do you plan to release some new material?
We're not too sure at the moment. We've got a gig in Glasgow before the end of the year at King Tut, which is a great venue for us. It's going to be a great party and there's going to be a lot of people there, because it's our home town. It should be a good one! We're also going back to Orange Unsigned for a one-off wildcard show on the 10th January, which is going to be great fun!
We also heard that your planning to do a tour in 2009 - are you excited?
Yeah, absolutely. We've got a couple of dates confirmed for, I think April time, and we should be all over the country. We've had lots of requests actually, because I left a message on my blog asking people where we should go. So, we're going to put all of those to our manage and hopefully make it to them.
Where is you favourite place to gig?
Actually, I really love playing at Leeds, it's got a great music scene. We've also played at Manchester and we've been asked to go back - we really enjoyed that.
Some for anyone who hasn't heard of Fangs yet, describe the band in five words?
Erm...that's tough! But I would describe us like lightening hitting a glitter ball.
Wow, we love that!
Yeah its kind of glam!
What sets you apart from everyone else trying to make it?
Well, we're a real band I guess. We've been about for quite a while now and we did a tour with the Black Kids a while ago, who we are huge fans of. We just want people to come and see us live and see what we're about!
How did the band get started?
We all came together in a nightclub in Edinburgh. Some bad, bad person had stolen my handbag, but I wasn't that concerned about losing my wallet or my keys, I was more upset about losing all my make-up! So, I had a scout about for the most glamorous people in there and the other boys were there. They came to my rescue and it kinda started from there really.
That's a great story - obviously not having your bag stolen but meeting like that!
Yes, to be rescued by two boys and make-up!
So, what and who are Fangs influenced by?
Well, by a lot of bands who are female fronted really, we're big fans of Blondie! And more modern bands like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, that's definitely the kind of things I like.
Given the chance who would you love to tour with?
I think the band would work really well with David Bowie and his Ziggy period! Or maybe Mark Bolan or something like that. Something a bit glam, I'd love to capture the atmosphere of the 70s and I would have loved to be around then!
Love it! And what about the industry - who do you think is great at the moment?
Well, there's an artist out there at the moment called TheCockandBullKid, and she's just fantastic - a really great performer and excellent song writer. You should check her out!
So, we have a couple of random questions now... A major newspaper headline for tomorrow will be about you. What would you want it to say?
Erm...God save the Queen!
If you could trade places with anyone for a day who would it be and why?
I wouldn't mind trading places with a top chef actually! With Christmas coming up, it'd be good to know how to cook something really good.
What is you're favourite item of clothing you own?
I customise a lot and I have a lot of precious items. But my favourite item is probably a pair of gold Gola boots, and they are exquisite! They really are lovely.
Finally, we always else everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview - so what would you like to ask, fellow Orange Unsigned contestant, Klaus Says By The Record?
Well, at the moment I really want a dog, but it won't really suit touring. So I would ask him if he has a dog, if not would he like one?
That was on my Christmas list too! But I got told no, I'm not allowed one either.
Well, when we get old or really rich we can get one!
Yes, definitely. Being rich sound good! Well, thank you for talking to us and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too!
FemaleFirst - Stacey Malvern
Read our interview with Judge Simon Gavin here
Read our interview with Klaus Says Buy The Record here
Read our interview with SleeperCell here
Read our interview with Scarlet Harlots here
Read our interview with Toby Sebastian here