Electrovamp are convinced that drinks taste better when they’re free and to be honest I think I agree! But FemaleFirst caught up with Tammy to find out if they really are men-hating, drink swiping freeloaders with high opinions and even higher heels!
What have you been getting up to recently?
We went out for a meal last night and went to a party and then we have a gig later on tonight and loads more coming up which is fun.
The new single, Drinks Taste Better When They’re Free is out next month; tell me a bit about it.
It’s just basically about us going on a night out and you get these guys who come up to you and try and offer you drinks in the hope of getting something at the end of the night. So the song just takes the Mickey out of these guys as we just take our drinks and say; “bye bye!” It’s just about having a good time and obviously we dance like maniacs and get free drinks off the DJ! The inspiration came from our nights out!
It makes you sound like the type of women who just use guys to fund their night out; is that how you want to come across?
Not really; what we’re trying to say is that we won’t use guys who seem nice, only the guys who come across as slimy and offer to buy you a drink but you know what their true intentions are. We don’t want to come across as people who use guys but if they’re cocky and think they’re going to get something them we’d do it to them. We wouldn’t use anyone nice though… we like nice guys!
How would you describe your sound?
Very fun and energetic and I think a lot of people our age can relate to our music as its dancey, pop fun! In your face type of music!
What do you do when you’re on a night out and your song comes on?
We’ve been to a club that played the song and we’re like “oh god, time to go to the toilet!” It feels kind of weird because everyone causes a fuss and we pretend we don’t know it’s on and get a drink or go to the toilet. But it’s pretty cool!
What makes you different from everyone else?
I don’t know really, I just think we’re being true to ourselves and we’re not taking ourselves too seriously, we just want to have fun and for everyone else to enjoy our music. I think that obviously we’re sisters there’s less chance of us splitting up as we have a really strong bond and we’ve wanted this for ages.
Who do you look up to?
We like a lot of different styles of music and take influences from everyone we listen to. Although we hate that music that don’t have many words. If it’s a good song we will listen to it.
What can we expect from you in the future?
Hopefully the album will be out soon and then we want to do a lot of travelling as we have fans in loads of different places. We got nominated for an award in Italy so it would be nice to go there and show our faces and have a good time. We just want to be successful and happy.
Where would you like to be in ten years time?
Maybe somewhere a bit different. It would be cool to change our style and music and experiment as we’re still learning and everything changes over time. Whatever’s fresh at that time; we want to do it.
Your track is the soundtrack for the upcoming movie How To Lose Friends And Alienate People; how did that come about?
The producer we work with is the best friend of the films director and he was going through the songs and wanted to use two of them for the film. It’s been really great for us.
Ever fancied a career in acting?
I think everyone has their dream and love and I think I’d love to act but whether I’d be any good at it is another story. I would like to have a go at it one day and try it out but I think I’ll stick to music for now.
What would you do if you weren’t singers?
I think whatever I would do would involve singing or entertainment. Whether we had a record deal or not I’m sure we would be doing something to do with entertainment as I couldn’t handle an office job and I’ve always wanted to sing and I couldn’t do anything else!
We ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview....and Dave Dee wants to know; “What are you going to spend your first pay packet on?”
A really nice holiday to Florida and to visit all the theme parks would be amazing! I just love having fun and sun!
So finally, what would you like to ask the next person I interview?
If it’s a band ask them; “If they were in a fire; which (only one!) band member would you save?
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison