What do you believe the key to longevity is in this game?

I'm the wrong person to ask, as a relative newcomer, but I'd say from looking at artists that have been around a while, staying consistent, keeping material out there for your fans and audience. I think it’s harder than ever to have a long career in this music thing, because the public has gotten so ADD about music thanks to the Internet. Everyone is constantly jumping from one artist to the next.

The Internet is great because there's so much music to be exposed to, but horrible for an artist’s career because everyone's attention span is so short now, they love you today, tomorrow they jump on someone else. I think taking the time to build an audience slowly, of fans that really love your art, is important. Also I think making sure that you've got more to offer than the one single that everyone falls in love with is also key.

And long term, I think having the balls to re-invent yourself without losing touch with the heart of your music keeps people interested, like if we look at Outkast, who always brings us something new, but it's still the Outkast that we love, regardless of how different it is.

Melanie Cornish