T: I never think like  this. I go into my studio and start with a beat. How it ends I don’t know.  It’s like a journey. It can be bumpy or a smooth ride. Always depending on the  vibe I have at the moment. I consider myself very lucky that the people like  my music.
Tell me a little  about the exclusives on the album and how did you both approach producing a  track specifically for a compilation mix?

 C: Well the track I  wrote for the album is called “Amiga” It’s more of a visit back to my older  sound, as it’s quite progressive in style and approach, but with a 2010 twist.  I got my wife to do a few little bits of chanting for fun, and I liked it so  much that i left it on the record. It feels like a Good end of night record  also as it’s quite euphoric. I’ve also put my next single called minimal life  on there, which I made with Nelski, a fantastic new artist from the UK who  also sings. I’ve got some wicked remixes of that track in by filthy rich and  DJ pp since I mixed the album which are really really good  too.

T: I remixed the track  "Stoppover" by Mark Knight and Dirty South. I know both the guys and we always  bump into each other on festivals. I liked the track. It s different and I had  a lot of fun to remix it.
 During the writing  process did you have a definite place and arrangement to where you would be  slotting it in?

 C: I didn’t no. I just  wrote the track and hoped and prayed it would work :). It did thankfully, I  think..

T: I imagined myself  playing the terrace of SPACE, Ibiza that I was playing this year for the first  time. I had a lot of fun.
 Both your music  never fails to be energetic whether it be a club hit or an underground number,  would be ever see a slow dark moody and tripped out track from either of   you?

 C: I’ve done tracks  like this in the past, and I’ve done some downtempo stuff as well. Check out  my track called “Communicate” and you’ll see what I mean. I also did a track  years ago called “Echofalls – shiver”. Again it’s pretty deep, or the Original  B side remix I made of “Changes” on Alternative Route back in 2006.

T: Yes. I m not a big fan of dreamy  dance music. I probably would hear this kind of music at home. But for me a DJ  set or a good dance track has to be powerful and push you forward. I don’t  want to go to a party to relax. I want to go to let myself go. To become crazy  and wild. I always loved the energy that dance music has. Its basically just  some beats and bass combined with some other sounds... Its  magic...
 How do you feel  about the resurgence of a very original house sound in 2010, and are there any  artists around at the moment that are really catching you attention?  

 C: I love the fact  that house is back. It always does, and for me, it’s a very good thing. House  is mostly about positive vibes, and the slightly negative side about the sound  of 2009 was that some of it was quite negative. This I felt transmitted to the  dance floor in a bad way. House alleys makes me feel good. As for exciting  producers, I’m loving artists like DJ pp, Funkerman, Siwell, Lys, Imbernon,  Coyu etc. Loads of great music out there right now.

T: I think there are many new talents out  there. And I have the feeling that at the moment there are so many good tracks  out and a lot of different new evolutions. Institubes "Sound Pelligrino" label  from France is doing great stuff at the moment. Very  different.
What’s  coming up for you for the rest of the year?

 T: Huge summer for me  touring and I’m also at alot of festivals. I will also do some more of my  party TOCACABANA. A lot of remixes on my label and for some of my friends  too.

Where and how was  the cd mixed?

T: I mixed in my house  in Cologne. I used Native Instrument's TRAKTOR software with some hardware  controllers