That did us a huge favour in the US because it got our video placed a little higher on NH1 and got us into a ‘You Oughta Know’ category and all sort of crazy stuff. What’s more, the 90210 cast are so awesome, the directors and everyone were just so really, really cool and they lat us play and hang out! We kept jamming and we let everyone have a go on our instruments at one lunch break they plugged all our stuff in and had a ‘crew jam!’

That’s amazing! I’m so jealous!

It was so cool! And you know, a lot of the guys from the band as still friends with some of the guys from the cast of the show! I’ll tell you what was weird though! On the show you have to lip-sync to a lot of stuff and you play, and then there’s a part where they bring in the extras and they have to dance but they never hear any music! I mean, those guys are just dancing to nothing at all! It’s pretty funny standing up in front of people and they’re all just feeling it, but there’s absolutely nothing for them to be feeling!

Haha! That’s amazing, that’s inside 90210 gossip from Carolina Liar! Okay, so now you know we’re in a recession at the moment, so why should people spend their hard-earned cash on Coming To Terms?

Oh man, that’s a really tough question, especially with everything being the way it is. I think that if there is any reason to buy it, It would be just to escape for a minute and to give you some hope because when we were writing that record, all of us were dead broke too and we technically still kinda are.

But if anything, there is hope in that record and even when things are so bad, you can realise that if you just but something a little bit positive into it, you can make your world a better place and instead of seeing the world you want to live in you can create it and make it happen as long as you believe in it hard enough. No matter how bad things are.

Aww, you’re so lovely, I want you to be my guidance councillor! Now what three bands would you have to headline your dream festival?

Oh man, dream festival… I love that MGMT record but I know we’d be a strange fit for that one, but playing with someone like The Killers or U2 would be a honour! The strange thing is we’ve been into Lady Gaga recently at the minute! We’ve been travelling across the US and that record is just so good! It’s one of those guilty pleasures, you’re like; “man… I’m not supposed to be listening to this! But damn! This thing jams”

We love her, and her dress sense!

Yeah, at least she’s pushing it and she’s really going for what she things is her things and it’s really fun to sit and watch her do it, it’s pure entertainments! Fantastic.

If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Oh man! It would probably be…. Oh wow, could it be a compilation?

No! That’s such a cop out! No way!

Haha! You know, I’ve been listening to The Smiths since I was nine years old and I still haven’t gotten tired of any of their albums. Also Depeche Mode’s Music For The Masses, I can still listen to that even to this day, there are a couple of Johnny Cash records too, and Bob Dylan’s Nashville Skyline, that still makes me cry, I’m a bit of a baby…

Good choices! I like it! And what has been your favourite musical memory to date?

Oh man, I would say it was probably hearing one of our songs in the US. The first time I heard it on the radio was such a humbling experience! I was in a store in Los Angeles and I always thought I’d be ‘Mr Cool’ when I heard our song on the radio and keep the excitement inside and silently enjoy it…

But what happened was me and some friends were in this store and I knew the cashier for the store and she was asking where we’d been and we were telling her we’ve been doing a promo tour for the radio and as I’m trying to explain, this car come by and they’re jamming the song!

The song was on so loud that I just started screaming; “It’s our song! It’s our song!” I just ran outside to my truck to find what radio station was playing the song! It was so much fun, it was such a great little moment!

Well, that was a lovely story! Aww, it’s been great speaking to you, you’re so lovely! Best of luck with everything.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison