Hello there, how are things going in your lovely world?

Things are perfect, thank you. I got to escape rainy Amsterdam for a day, to talk to you in sunny London. What more could I ask for?

Alain Clark

Alain Clark

To anyone who hasn’t heard of you yet, how would you describe your sound?

I like to call it funky-poppy-soul... I don't know if that helps paint a clearer picture, but it at least gives you a direction. I guess you could say I write songs of today with a sound of the old days.

Tell us a bit about the inspiration behind your foxy new record released on April 5…

Well, Live It Out is a very autobiographical record - there's love and relationships, tempering eager, attempts at bettering the world and an ode to my dad. Fractions of a young man's life put to 12 songs...

If you were going to give us just one song of yours to listen to so that you would become our new favourite singer, what would it be?

It would be 'All you gotta change' / more than wanting to be your favorite singer (which of course I'd love to be) - I would just want you to hear it!

And can you sum up your good self in just five words?

Interestingly shallow yet tediously profound

You know we’re having a bit of an economic crisis here at the moment, if people wanted to spend their last £10 on a cd this weekend, why should they buy yours?

They shouldn't!! Always keep at least £10 in the bank! If they have £20 however, they should buy my record, put it on and get their minds of their troubles. I like to think there's definitely a positive vibe around my music.

How did you get into music in the first place?

My dad was a singer in an old soul-cover band so that was always around, but it wasn't until my mom put me on guitar lessons when I was nine that I clung on to music - and I never let go since.

What has been your favourite musical memory to date?

That's actually a very recent memory. I went to see Stevie Wonder play live during his tour in 2008 and it was so good, I cried like a little school girl! I've been listening to his music for so long thinking no man can be this good, there's got to be something to it... then to hear and see him play those songs live just as great as they sound on the record... mindblowing!

Who do you think is the greatest artist around at the moment?

Stevie Wonder - come on he made me cry!

If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If I was going to get smart I'd pick a compilation CD with a 'million' songs on it... but if I really had to pick a title I'd say: 'What's going on' by Marvin Gaye. Those songs, the recordings and the playing just captivates me.

Okay, now we want to ask you some random questions; What was the last book you read?

‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle. Wise, insightful and very spiritual. I switch between Tolle and batman comics!

If you had only 9 minutes to live, what would you do in those 9 minutes?

Make a funny picture, write I love you and email it to all people close to me. That would take me about 3 minutes to do so the other three I would just laugh as hard and loud as I could. Every minute spent worrying is a minute wasted. Especially your last!

If you could take over a foreign country tomorrow, which would you take over and what would be your first law?

I would take over Brazil. Exile all women to Amsterdam, and then I'd move back home..

I love it! Great answer! Well best of luck with everything.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison