With three Top 10 dance hits and a nomination for 'Best Play' at the Global Earth Summit organised by Angelina Jolie under her belt, world renowned singer/songwriter/playwrite and actress, K-Syran, offers up the gift of song as a way of bringing comfort to everyone across the world for 2016.


New Year - bright beginnings, a fresh start for us all and a time to look at doing things better than before. A New Year is such an exciting time when we have the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start our lives all over again. It's as if the Christmas cheer gives us the strength to face life head on with a renewed vigour for life.

But as we tackle our own personal battles, making individual improvements to better our lives, planet earth is screaming out for help. It's as if the world is quite literally weeping as sea levels rise, rivers burst their banks and houses well up with water. And our news channels are reporting on different ways to live 'with' water rather than hopelessly trying to push it back. Planet earth is gasping and puffing in pain as hurricanes and tornados rip through our hometowns. But thankfully the all important Earth Summit at the end of 2015 decided to take steps to unite and do what it can to slow down the problem.

But what about war and social unrest that's gripped each and everyone of us as the terror of human cruelty is evident everywhere - Paris being the latest victim of the terrible attack. I watch, heartbroken, as families flee from their home towns, desperately looking for a peaceful place where they can raise their babies without constant fear of death. It's the sheer panic in the eyes of those mothers and children than fills me with utter sadness - what are we doing to our future generations? We should be protecting and nurturing them, not leaving them to fight for their lives.

That's why I offer the world the one gift that I can give; the gift of song. In everyone's darkest moments, a touching word or a soothing song can make just a

tiny bit of difference, just a small glimmer of hope can be gained when we put melody to a hopeful message. My new album, 'Smoke In My Veins' is a gift to everyone in the world for 2016, a spark of light amongst this time of despair.

But it's mainly the women of this world that I reach out to in the words and sentiment of this album. So many women fall victim to society during times of war as they're beaten, battered and abused by those stronger than they are or as they put their lives on the line to protect their offspring. I held each and everyone of those victims close to my heart as I penned and recorded the tracks on this album, hoping that some words of comfort will be gleaned from my poignant messaging within the songs.

I can't change the world on my own, but I can urge everyone to put song in your heart. Resolve to make song a part of each day of your lives for 2016, use melody to comfort or soothe those with worries, sing to yourselves on the way to work each day or simply use song to share the good times with those around you. Sing songs and smile for 2016.

For more information visit: www.ksyran.com