Black Eyed Peas Grab The Number One Spot

Black Eyed Peas Grab The Number One Spot

Personally I can’t stand The Black Eyed Peas new single, Boom Boom Pow, but somehow, it’s shot right into the top spot as their first release in three years.
The electro track has brought to an end Tinchy Stryder's three-week reign at the top of the charts, and therefore pushes La Roux's In For The Kill down to three. Whilst Eminem's We Made You and Lily Allen's Not Fair complete the top five - each moving up three places from last week.

Elsewhere in the album chart, pop punk outfit Green Day score their second ever number one with 21st Century Breakdown; an album which I need in my life! Either that album or Billie Joe Armstrong… either will do

Green Day’s 17-track concept album builds on their former bestseller, American Idiot, this time following the story of a young couple on the run from the American dream.

Elsewhere, the album countdown is made up by Maximo Park, who land at number six with Quicken The Heart and my favourite band of the moment, Marmaduke Duke, and their album Duke Pandemonium; which is the second release from the trilogy of albums by the Scottish rock duo.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison