Mumford & Sons
So last week’s ‘Song Of The Week’ saw me embrace my inner RnB queen, but this week I’m stepping going full-circle and getting behind (not literally, obviously) some British folk rockers!
Mumford & Sons are a band I’ve heard mumblings of for a while now, but I’ve got to be honest, I’d never really checked them out because I thought they were ‘not my thing.’ Until I heard Winter Winds.
Now, I know at first listen you might feel like turning putting your headphones in and listening to Fight For This Love, but trust me, it’s a grower, and now when it comes on at work I can’t help but make grab a coffee, put my aromatherapy slippers on and gaze out of the window.
I mean, it’s just one of those awesome winter songs - with quite an apt title - which you could sit and watch the world go by to… it just makes you feel warm and snug inside… so when you’re stuck in the house this weekend thanks to the pouring rain - stick this on.