Cheryl Cole really is a woman who has it all, the looks, the figure, the career and the man (let’s face it, Ashley Cole is pretty yummy) and now it seems as though she’s a great solo singer too.
I know a lot of us wondered whether Cheryl would be able to make something of a solo career considering she is so used to having ‘her girls’ behind her on a daily basis, but Fight For This Love has proven to be an amazing single.
Last Saturday, after a few too many Gin and Tonics, I have to admit that I did think I actually was Miss Cole for a little while as I pranced around the dancefloor showing off my best moves.
Needless to say, I went home alone that night - apart from the chips and cheese obviously - but every time I hear this single now, whether it be at the gym, in the car or on the dance floor, I can’t help but sing along.
So, to the people who thought Cheryl couldn’t hack a solo career, I think its about time we eat our words, or maybe even three of them, as 3 Words looks to be a huge seller too.
Good on ya’ Cheryl, we’re proud!
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Cheryl Cole