Hi guys, this is Kyrah,
I am currently at the Female First offices eating Jelly Beans and writing to you guys!!
For those of you that don't know me yet I am a pop singer/songwriter about to release my single 'Uh Oh' in the UK on July 11th!!
These past few months have been a whirlwind for me, I temporarily relocated from LA to London to do all the promotion for my release here in the UK. In March when I first got here it was freezing and I was wondering what the hell I was doing:) but now I'm really enjoying it.
I have done lots of interviews for papers, websites, magazines, and radio which I have really enjoyed. I have also worked with some lovely girls to choreograph my showcase that I had the other week in Soho which luckily I got a great review for, via Virgin Music. I have also been in the studio recording new songs and writing in any spare moment I have.
I absolutely love getting to meet so many different types of people and constantly laughing at myself and my crazy life that involves living in many countries and doing wild things! I am so excited to be able to release in the UK first since I am originally from here and its so fun to be here during the World Cup as I’m a huge footie fan.
Most of my gigs and music events have been in the US in the past so its really nice to be able to have a different fan base. The UK has some amazing music coming out of it right now and its great to be a a part of that
So please follow me on twitter and get the single online on July 11th!!
Thanks, Love you guys
Love Kyrah x