Hertfordshire-born pop chanteuse Scarlette Fever unleashes her new single ‘Crash & Burn’ on January 16. Brimming with anthemic chord changes and hooks, and as emotive as Snow Patrol’s classic ‘Run,’ its inspiring lyrics celebrate life’s transience, yet are tinged with vulnerability (“I should take my own advice…but I’m only human”).
Already a massive club hit, the single comes complete with a stellar set of remixes: Jason Nevins, Steve Smart v Westfunk, Loverush UK, Temper D and Bearcraft. And don’t miss the captivating promo video, which features real people holding up hand-written signs displaying real fears.
“Crash and Burn is a very special song to me,” says 28 year old Scarlette, who co-wrote the track with Metrophonic. “A few years ago, I lost a very close friend to breast cancer which had a profound effect on how I view life. I decided to always take chances, and to never leave a stone unturned with regards to relationships – because life really is just too short. That’s what the lyrics to Crash and Burn mean to me, and if the song is thought-provoking to other people then – well – I’ve had an amazing day at the office.”
And why the name? "My real one’s Karen,’” she laughs. “And I'm passionate, so I was thinking of red. Being me, I had to be even more extreme and upgrade it to scarlet. And it's 'fever' as in a fantastic rush of out of control joy and excitement. So here I am."
Here she is indeed. Now 28, she really ought to have been a marine biologist, but after sailing through her biology, chemistry and mathematics 'A' levels, Scarlette was faced with a choice: to follow her obsession with sharks; or to join the, ahem, shark-free music industry.
You can guess what she chose. And, our collective thumbs firmly pressed on fast-forward, this summer has flown by in a whir of roadshows, tour supports (Roachford) and working through official Pride performances in London, Brighton, Leeds and Doncaster. Oh, and let’s not forget the Blackpool illumination festivities where she (no doubt) giddily performed alongside Robbie Williams (who was there to turn on the lights). And now clever old Scarlette is headlining her own London dates in preparation for a nationwide tour in December, and supporting Clare Grogan and Altered Images in the new year.
“What do I hope for 2011?” Scarlette lets out a perfectly-formed sigh. “That’s a tough question…. According to the Mayan calendar the world is due to end in 2012 so I guess that 2011 needs to be pretty damn incredible. In the words of the great crooners, ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ baby.”
Tagged in Scarlette Fever