Four Year Strong By Ben Gibson

Four Year Strong By Ben Gibson

OMG… you know when you used to dream about being a pop star? When you used to sing into your hairbrush in front of the mirror? Well now it can all come true. Kinda.

I know now that we’re older we tend to just think about meeting some guy with tattoos and facial hair who won’t dump you over the phone, and whilst I can’t promise you a life of married bliss with Four Year Strong, you could be a part of something they’ll treasure forever.

The critically acclaimed pop punkers are all set to record their new video for ‘It Must Really Suck To Be Four Year Strong’ in London this Friday and they’re in need of a couple of extra bods to fill up the camera time. So I’m thinking it could be you?

Earlier this week the band posted the following on Facebook: “Are you off Friday June 4th? Come out to London and help us film It Must Really Suck To Be Four Year Strong Right Now video. If you're interested, make sure to email [email protected] for further details. “

So, erm, what are you waiting for, if I wasn’t busy swanning around at the BTCC I’d be there like a rocket.

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