Lady Starlight

Lady Starlight

Lady Gaga might be able to make demands from time to time… after all, she does ‘take one for the team’ when it comes to fashion, but now it looks like her DJ, Lady Starlight has let her mate’s fame go to her head.

As previously announced, Lady Gaga’s DJ, Lady Starlight will be jetting in from New York City to headline the rock room at this year’s Crossfire Halloween Massacre on Saturday 31st October in a secret location in East London.

As a regular on the NY party scene, famed for riotous behaviour and being one of the most rock ‘n’roll glamour-girls in the city, accommodating her was always going to be a challenge. However, Lady Starlight’s outrageous and frankly bizarre rider requests have raised even the most furrowed of brows.

Having already been refused entry to Soho’s famed rock ‘n’roll Sanctum Hotel this week, Starlight has demanded a suite in another of London’s top pads to house her long and unusual wish list, which she apparently needs to “make her feel at home” during her stay in London.

Amongst the more normal requests were:

· Log fire in room. Must be in a suite at the Hoxton Hotel Urban Lodge

· Mixed high quality sushi platter (Nobu) served on ice, no crab sticks

· 1 bottle of Krug Rose champagne, chilled

· 5 bottles of Jack Daniels

· Fresh fruit platter of yellow and orange fruits only, including star fruit and passion fruit

· Star-shaped “red velvet” cupcakes from Hummingbird Bakery

· A pole and two female dancers (one blonde, one brunette, both at least 5’8”)

· Full length mirrors on every wall of the room, including the ceiling

· 3 bottles of alkyl nitrites

· Assorted sex toys

· 2 baby hedgehogs and a Persian cat

· A star registered under Lady Starlight’s name

· A selection of yellow flowers to be displayed on each surface in the hotel room

· Sky TV with access to all popular porn channels

· Ltd edition Iron Maiden ‘Sound House Tapes’ 7” vinyl

· A fan in every room

· Smoke machine

I mean, seriously? What does she want hedgehogs for?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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