Lana Del Rey
2012 may have thrown up some stinkers, look right here for our least favourite tracks to hit the singles charts over the last year, we also saw some brilliant entrants on to the hit parade over the last twelve months.
So while we’ll be starting our countdown of the best albums of the year tomorrow, we’ve got our favourite half dozen singles of the year.
6) Alex Clare – Too Close
While the dubstep train may have slowed down just a little of late, it’s hard to dispute the wobblebass-tastic nature of Alex Clare’s Too Close.
It’s the combination though of Alex Clare’s cracking vocal in the song’s fairly low key verses and the explosive, bombastic chorus that makes Too Close one of the most memorable tracks of 2012.
Even after hearing the song fifteen thousand times online thanks to a rather famous internet browser using it in their latest batch of adverts; we’re not tired of hearing this tracks from the Londoner.
Click here to buy Alex Clare – Too Close
5) The xx – Angels
Few tracks have the ability to make people stop in their tracks and just listen. Angels is one of those songs, a single of such beautiful simplicity that it purely takes your breath away.
While The xx have made simplicity their calling card, Angels dares to take it even further, at times turning into a straight-up a cappela song at points and even boldly having moments of complete silence.
The magical part though is that its lack of complication only strengthens the central, heart-breaking ode at its core, made all the more powerful by Romy Madley Croft’s delicate vocals.
Click here to buy The xx – Angels
5) Childish Gambino – Heartbeat
I love Donald Glover, be it actor, comedian or musician. While his opening studio album under the name Childish Gambino had its highs and lows, this was easily the finest track on the album and the essence of Gambino distilled into four minutes of brilliance.
With giant electronic sections lighting the track like blue touch paper, a wonderfully confused and open style that’s become Glover’s trademark and more style than Paris fashion week, Heartbeat is the finest rap song released this year and marks out exactly why we’re all very excited about Childish Gambino.
Click here to buy Childish Gambino – Heartbeat
4) The xx – Angels
Few tracks have the ability to make people stop in their tracks and just listen. Angels is one of those songs, a single of such beautiful simplicity that it purely takes your breath away.
While The xx have made simplicity their calling card, Angels dares to take it even further, at times turning into a straight-up a cappela song at points and even boldly having moments of complete silence.
The magical part though is that its lack of complication only strengthens the central, heart-breaking ode at its core, made all the more powerful by Romy Madley Croft’s delicate vocals.
Click here to buy The xx – Angels
3) Florence + The Machine – Never Let Me Go
Nothing sums up the grandiose, overblown and frankly brilliant sound of Florence + The Machine quite like this magnificent track.
From the swelling opening, spine-tingling chorus, gorgeous piano or the heartrending lyrics throughout, Never Let Me Go is an enormous track that would crush anyone but the amazing Florence under the sheer weight of it.
Instead, her soaring vocals take it to a level that most artists could only dream of achieving. That she makes it almost seem easy is the greatest illusion of all.
While it may have only gone in at number 82 on the UK chart, it’s the best thing Florence has done this year.
Click here to buy Florence + The Machine – Never Let Me Go
2) Lana Del Rey – National Anthem
Lana Del Rey may have her doubters (I’m still not sure she can sing live in any capacity), but national anthem is a track that brings all of her finest points together to a wonderful apex.
While Lana’s lazy, smoky vocals have a polarising effect, National Anthem suits their laid back feel almost perfectly, its sombre tale of capitalistic love was a wonderful antidote to the sugar sweet pop that became the sound of the summer.
With its luxurious strings and euphonious chorus just waiting in the background to kick in, National Anthem is easily the finest track the Lana’s recorded, despite it barely even getting into the top 100 in July.
Click here to buy Lana Del Rey – National Anthem
1) Frank Ocean –Pyramids
Most artists can’t pull of a near ten minute long track in the middle of their album. Most singers aren’t Frank Ocean, who not only gets away with this massive track, but makes it the masterpiece of his album.
Effortlessly moving between styles, this down-beat, emotionally tender tuime spanning tale of love and dishonour is utterly captivating throughout its lengthy running time.
Pyramids is a track you could easily find yourself getting completely lost in, with Frank’s trademark caramel vocals hiding the fact that he’s practically caving the walls of an entire music genre in over the ten minute time stamp.
From the wonderful synths to the uncredited John Mayer guitar solo at its climax, Pyramids is an absolute masterpiece, and the best single of the year.
Click here to buy Frank Ocean –Pyramids
What were your favourite songs though? Let us know in the comments section, and check back tomorrow to see the start of our countdown of the best albums of the year.
FemaleFirst Cameron Smith