

'Colors of the Wind' from Pocahontas

Memorable quote: "You have the most unusual names here, Chechomony, Kuyukanhoic, Pocahontas." "You have a most unusual name too... John Smith."

Happy Christmas Eve! It's our penultimate track on our Disney countdown - have you been paying attention to all the movies and music we've been through so far? If you have, you'll probably have an idea of what's to come tomorrow!

But, for now, we're looked at Pocahontas - a 90's Disney film with one of the most impressive soundtracks around.

'Colors of the Wind' explores the idea of learning new things through different cultures, as Pocahontas hopes to enlighten John Smith to a whole new way of thinking, and living.

Representing the viewpoint that some Native Americans hold - that the earth is to be treated with respect and that everything in humankind is related to nature - the song details how there's life in every single thing, and a spirit to all that's living.

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