David Bowie

David Bowie

David Bowie is back! With two songs released so far and his album set to hit the charts this coming Monday, Bowie’s return is complete.

To celebrate this, we dusted off our collections and have put together our list of the best Bowie songs out there for anyone either needing a crash course in the great man’s music or just looking for some Bowie to make their day a little more flamboyant.

7) Young Americans

Never let it be said that Bowie was afraid of mixing it up completely, with him picking up the saxophone and taking on the world of soul with this fascinating track. Mixing psychedelia and soul with brilliant effect, this swinging track stands out a country mile on the similarly titled album.

6) I’m Afraid Of Americans

The only song on our list that can’t order its own drinks, this collaboration with Tent Reznor is easily the highlight of Bowie’s 1997 album Earthling and one of the best musical collaborations that Bowie did in his long career and the best song he released in the nineties.

5) Five Years

This tale of a doomed Earth was the perfect way to kick off his stunning 1972 album ‘The Rise and Fall Of Ziggy Stardust’, filled with heartfelt anguish and with a gorgeous string undercurrent that makes it one of the most dramatic songs on an album that revolutionised popular music.

4) Space Oddity

Sounding like nothing else out there in 1969, Space Oddity was years ahead of the competition, telling the entire story of a two hour sci-fi flick in five minutes, exploring the concepts of loss and  isolation all whilst pushing the boundaries of music. Desperately sad, this was the song that launched Bowie into the stratosphere of UK music, where he existed for the next decade.

3) Changes

With most of our Bowie picks are grandiose efforts, so it’s time we went for something a little bit daintier and bouncy to make lighten up the mood. That should be taken as the song being flimsy, as Changes is anything but. Signalling the change that was set to come in Bowie himself, this wonderfully lively track sounds nothing like the 42 years old it actually is.

2) Moonage Daydream

The most rock and roll of any of the tracks on our list, this hard edged tune proves that Bowie has muscle as well as wit and conceptual craziness. With guitar riffs that wouldn’t feel out of place on Led Zeppelin album alongside an utterly bizarre saxophone solo and Bowie wailing at the very height of his vocal prowess, this is the finest song off his finest album.

1) Heroes

Ok, it’s the obvious way to top our list, but Heroes is always held in such high regard for good reason. Uplifting and triumphant Heroes is the track the man is known for above all others; it’s still his masterpiece and sounds as fresh and as current now as it ever has been.

Have you got any favourite David Bowie songs and are you looking forward to the release of The Next Day on Monday? Let us know in the comments section below.

David Bowie - The Next Day is out Monday 11th March

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