Following its rave reviews and a record-breaking Swedish debut, prepare for the impending new arrival of All and Eva, a hilariously fresh take on the comedy-drama genre starring acclaimed Swedish actor Tuva Novotny (Annihilation, Eat Pray Love) in the compelling lead role. Meet Eva, an assertive woman who has taken having a baby into her own hands. However, when Eva decides to track down the sperm donor, their encounter takes an unexpected turn… This hugely entertaining six-part drama will be available for the first time in the UK exclusively on Viaplay from 23 September.

For 40 years, Eva has remained steadfast in her disbelief in love. Instead, she believes that happiness lies in her love for herself and her friends, a philosophy that has guided her well in her meticulously planned life. After deciding to have a baby, she heads to Copenhagen to find the perfect sperm donor and opts for an open provider who looks perfect on paper.

As curiosity gets the better of her, she can’t help but wonder whether she’s backed the right horse. Seeking to find out what the donor is really like, she decides to find him… When Eva literally bumps into Mads (Joachim Fjelstrup – Ride Upon the Storm, The Girl with The Needle), she discovers that he’s perfectly normal, kind and above all else – not a psychopath and returns to Stockholm satisfied with her decision and the new life growing inside her. But the enigmatic Mads can't stop thinking about her and has completely different plans – without knowing her secret... 

A refreshingly enjoyable series about life, longing and everything in between, make a date with All and Eva for a hilarious and unique comedy drama.

Swedish and Danish with English subtitles.

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