Starred Up

Starred Up

Starred Up is one of the British movies not to miss this spring as David Mackenzie returns to the director's chair.

Starred Up has already been performing well on the festival circuit - playing at the likes of Toronto and London - and has also picked up eight British Independent Film Award nominations.

This is one of the films that we are particularly looking forward to, and here is the brand new trailer to check out:

Jack O'Connell is an actor to watch out for over the next year or so, and he is set to lead an all-star cast.

O'Connell takes on the central role of Eric, and stars alongside Rupert Friend, Ben Mendelsohn and Sam Spruell.

Eric Love is a violent and troubled teenager making the difficult transition from a young offenders’ institute to adult prison.

He seems to be destined for a life behind bars, but the prison’s unconventional therapist (Friend) is determined to help Eric find a way through, assisted by of one of the prison’s longest serving inmates - Neville (Mendelsohn) - who just happens to be Eric’s father.

Starred Up could well be a star-making performance for O'Connell and I can't wait to see how his career pans out.

Starred Up is released 21st March.

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